8A 2008-2009 punya Facebook,, h_n

hy tmandh".. mulai tanggal 28 Juli 2009, 8a 2008 2009 punya facebook.. hhaa,, mga" aj dengan ad facebook ex 8a,, kt jdy gmng contact"an.. yg jlas g seneng bgt,, emailnya eighta_topbgt_2008.2009@yahoo.com,, kalo namanya,, Eighta topbgt,, heee,, yg merencanakanny yoel,, hhaa,, clau" yg bkn.. nah g cman upload fto 8a,, hhaa,, g syg bgt ma 8A n ms lenny wali klas qta tntunya.. 8A terdiri dari 24 anaghh,,
anggota 8a:
  • Agnes
  • Aldo
  • Alfina
  • Citra
  • Fika
  • Claudia
  • Edo
  • Lenny
  • Ivan Kurniawan
  • Jeje
  • Jeremy
  • Juanita
  • Marcyn
  • Devin
  • Livardy
  • Yosua Kuriawan
  • Yoel
  • Alice
  • Gaby T
  • Gaby V
  • Fedora Benita
  • Sisilia
  • Sanny
  • Evelyn

Aaarrrgghh,, pkok'a g syg 8a,, o iy, di ultah g yg ke 14, tgal 21 Juni 2009 kmrn, kt ke dufan,, ini nh salah satu ultah g yg plg bermakna,, waaaa,, wo ai ni 8A,, miss u so muchh,,, mga" kita ga akan saling ngelupoain, walopun kita dah pisah kelas, tpy persahabatan kita ga akan pnah berubah,,, aaaa,,, pkok'a eight a is the best,,

Ms. Lenny jgag bae bgt,, skrg dy jadi kepala sekolah,, waa,, hebad,, tmbh bangga g ma 8A.. Jia You 8a,,

wkwkwk,, sayang bgt ma 8a,, truzz yha, maren nh pas pelajaran musik kn g bca surat dry ms. leni bwadh 8a,, waaa, gw hmpir nangis,, untunk aj ga nangis kncng,, klo ga,, mu taro di mna muka gw,,


Let's talk About Love

Sometimes I wondered
What I'd be when I grew up
And then I remembered
It was anything I dreamed of
I could be a poet or a singer
I can be scientist
But before I make that decision
Let's talk about my list...

Let's talk about love, let's talk about peace
And living in perfect harmony
Let's talk about hugs
and talk about ways that we can share
Let's talk about you, lets talk about me
Let's talk about how we can be one big family
Let's talk about love, talk about love

Sometimes I feel like I wanna give my friends a call
To tell them what I'm dreaming
And everything I want
I want us to be a little closer
And to always reach out a hand
To be kind to one another
And always understand

It's all about love, it's all about peace
And living in perfect harmony
It's all about hugs
It's all about ways that we can share
It's all about you, it's all about me
It's all about how we can be one big family
It's all about love

La la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la

Everybody has a heart
Everybody has a smile
Let's wrap bow around each one
And give it away once in a while

(Let's talk about love, lets talk about peace, and living in perfect harmony)
It's all about hugs
All about ways that we can share
It's all about you, it's about me
It's all about how we can be one big family
It's about love
It's about love
It's all about hugs
All about ways we can share
It's all about you, it's all about me
Talk about how we can be one big family
Let's talk about love
Talk about love
Let's talk about love
It's all about love

Bom lagii,, bom lagii,,

Hadoohh,, Indonesia kena bom lagii, pdahal beberapa taon terakhir nh dah aman.. Kasian our president,, knp sihh musti Indonesia.. uda lgi lmayan masyur namany di luar,, ehh turun lagi,, knp xi?? hadoohh,, lgi pula yaag, ap sih untungny ngebom,, ?? malah ngerugiin negara,, bukannya majuin negara,, huhh,, kan kt sebagai warga negara yg baikk hrus cintain negara, kalo kita ngebom, itu namany ngerugiin negara,, trus jdinya MU alias Manchester United ga jadi datenkk,, yha,, mw taro di mna muka Indonesia,, o iy, truss, kan kasiann org" yg jadi korban,, mreka kan ga punya salah ap'' trus juga kasian keluarga yg ditinggalin,, haduuhh,, kalo begini moeloe kpan negara kita bisa maju,, hmm,, moga moga nh, generasi pnerus selanjutya ga kyk gitu,,, trmsuk g sehh,,
hmm,, mngkn lwad nh kasus Indonesia jdy lbh waspada lgy,, cth nh ya,, bebrapa petugas thu sering g temuin ga meriksa tiap mobil ato kendaraan yg msuk ke hotel , mal, atau apapun itu lah,, buktiny gseriink lolos, kalo ud kejadian bom gini, bru dehh di periksain satu",, kan uda terlambat,, ya g doain Indonesia lbh maju dehh, trus siapapun presiden yg kepilih, harus didukung penuh,, jgan ampe ada kerusuhan tahun 98,, n jgan pnah ada yg namany DISKRIMINASI!!! Hal ini ga bae,, kalo pengen Indonesia maju, jgn ad diskriminasi atopun korupsi,, 4 next generation,, kita semuany di negara nh,,trmsuk g, kita harus bisa bikin Indonesia terkenal dan maju di mata bangsa laen,, kita juga harus waspada,, ok??

Japan's Cat Island fights not to go to dogs

A cat walks in front of two elderly fishermen at the fishing port of Tashiro, northern Japan
© AFP/File Miwa Suzuki

TASHIRO ISLAND, Japan (AFP) - The fishing village of Tashiro, known as Cat Island, has shunned dogs for centuries in the belief that cats invite a big catch.

The island's 100 residents, most of whom are aged well over 70, are hoping that cats will become a drawcard in a campaign to attract tourists and, hopefully, people who want to settle down here.

"You may think this place is so peaceful. But if there's a fire, there is nobody who can help put it out," said Yutaka Hama, 49, who leads the Tashiro tourism promotion group.

"I want young people to come. There are folks here who would teach them fishing," said Hama, who moved to Tashiro a few years ago and is now an inn operator and fisherman.

Hama's wife, Aiko, is by far the youngest woman here at age 37, with the second youngest woman in her 60s.

Besides dogs, there are lots of common sights in modern Japan that are absent from this island, from all-night convenience stores to traffic signals and children.

The human population has fallen ten-fold since 1960 as many moved to cities.

A cat in the fishing port of Tashiro, northern Japan
© AFP/File Miwa Suzuki

But a couple of years ago, Tashiro became famous as Cat Island when a television network introduced one of the moggies -- Jack the Lop Ear, a shabby white-and-black tom with a drooping left ear -- to the nation.

Jack is now a celebrity in the town, with his slowness compared with other cats only adding to his popularity.

"I'm so happy to see Jack," said Shiho Amano, an 18-year-old cat lover who came from the central city of Nagoya to see a photo exhibition arranged by residents promoting tourism here.

"I want to live here after I retire," the student said, showing the screen of her cellphone which had snapshots of the cat.

Jack is not the first cat to become a national idol in Japan, nor to help revive the fortunes of an area aching for life.

Tama, a tortoiseshell stray, was last year named "master" of Kinokawa railway station in western Wakayama prefecture and given an official cap to go with the job. Her presence has led to a tourist -- and financial -- boom for the small city.

In the face of the apparent success of the campaign to use the cats to draw visitors, Tashiro's cat opponents have conceded defeat.

Kazuko Hatakeyama prepares to feed some 20 cats
© AFP/File Miwa Suzuki

"I must say I appreciate them as they bring people here," said Mitsue Tsuda, a 65-year-old avowed cat hater, who complains of cats sneaking into her house.

"They don't wipe their feet even when it's raining," she said while admitting that the cats do look cute in the exhibited pictures.

Tashiro fishermen traditionally give part of their catch to cats, which are spotted everywhere on this 3.14-square-kilometre (7.9-square-mile) island 20 kilometres (12.4 miles) off the port city of Ishinomaki in northern Japan.

Kazuko Hatakeyama, 69, does not fish but some 20 cats "commute" each day to her house, a result of her twice-a-day feeding for decades.

"Since they come to my place and plead for food so much, I don't have any other choice. Whenever I go out, they follow me," she said as she fed the cats raising their paws and mewing loudly towards her.

The ferry between the island the mainland used to have only 10-20 passengers a day on its three daily trips after the summer season. But by September this year that number had roughly doubled year on weekdays and more than tripled on weekends.

"We see more people carrying cameras and food rather than fishing rods," said an official of the Ajishima Line ferry, adding that tourists were still coming despite the winter weather.

School Day

Hmm, di hari prtma g msk skul, g bru tw klo wali klas g Mr. Hendro,, n yg paling mengejutkan bwadh tmn" tpy gag bwad g n anagh 8a thu Ms. Lenny jdi kepsek,, Yay!!! hmm,, trus jga y,, trnyta pas libur kmrn Mr. Crott ato mr. Kris uda married,, congrats y,, mmm,,

tmn" di klas g kykny lbh bnyk anaghh 8c ny dhh,, hee,, hmm,, guru bruny bnyk bgt,, oiaahh,, g dnger jgag ad Professor lho yg jdi guru,, ktny dy ngajar Bio,, dy dri Filipin,, namany Alberto,, hmm,, gmn y orgny??? d tunggu aj dhh,,, trus jgag,, mm,, qt sehh blom bljr full,,

yg ngeselin, knapa Ms. Sri, .Librarian yg lma diganti,, pdhal g bru aj dket n ska ngobrol ma Ms. Sri,, hikz",, o iy uda gtu,, msa nh y,, g dnger dry anagh" osis klo anagh" yg di mos thu pda blagu ma manja,, msa ortu mreka protes k mr hendra cman gra soal spele,,dsar!! Manja bgt sehh!!!

yoda, sekian cerita g ttg hri ptama skolah,,hheee,, moga moga hari" selanjtny menyenangkan, n jgn putus asa yaagg,, ap lgy ngerendahin diri sendri,, Jangan pnah bandingin diri lu ma org laen,, kalo mandangny ke atas terus, cape,, mndink mandangny ke bwah,, msh bnyak org yg kurang beruntung dibanding kita,,

uda gitu,, kan Tuhan pasti ngebekalin kita dengan talenta" yang dikasih ma Dia sblm kita dteng ke dunia,, jdy tnang aj, n jgan jeles ma tmen kalian atas ap yang mereka dapet. next,, kalo kamu blom dpet ap yg kamu pgen itu memank karena rencana Tuhan, dan Dia pun akan kasih yg lebih baik dri yg kmu pengen,, ok??

Who Am I

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

Back to School

hmm,, tgl 15 July nh g dah mlai msuk Skul,, hmm pnasaran spa wali klasny,, kta tmn" g, g msuk klas 9c,, aduu, g ga sbar pgn tw sapa wli klsny,, hmm,, bner" ga sbar msuk skul,, di 9c thu ad bberapa tmn yg lmyan dket ma g,, mga" aj g betah di 9c yaag, sma kyk di 7b ma 8a,, omong" soal 7b ma 8a,, g jdy kangen neyhh,,

oiiaahh, dnger" nh semester jgag ad beberapa guru bru,, pgn tw sapa aj dhh,, klamaan libur g jdy kangen ma skolah neyhh,, klamaan libur jgag bikin otak g nge lag,, jdi lma mikirny, soal'a slama libur, otak kgag kpake,, hee,, tpy pokony g hrs ttep semangat,, g pgn ngeraih ap yg ud g cita"in dri dlu,

bntar gy gw UAN, trus lulus,, g msh bingung neyh mw SMA di mna,, bingung,, hmm,, nyokap bokap sehh saranin di Ursula,, biar gmng kendaraanny ma msa dpan terjamin,, memank sehh mnrud tmen g di les yg uda lulus n dpet scholarship ke Nan Yang University, d sna thu ad fasilitas bwad dpetin beasiswa, so klo uw pgn skolah di luar kan bsa cba cri beasiswa,, tpy g msih mikir" soal'a peraturanny bnyk bgt,,

pertama nh ya,, rok hrs 5 cm di bwah lutut (y klo ini sehh msh dimaklumin yaag,,), kedua, msa rmbt harus diiket satu mlu,, mw jdy ap rmbt g,, ketiga, kaos kakiny pnjng bgt!! g kga suka, n yang terakhir ntu skolah cewe mwa!!! (y ini jgag ga pp seehh, byasa aj,,)

hmm,, g pgn di SMUKIE,, kan disno juga bsa dpet beasiswa,, tpi kta bokap ma nykap g,, ntar g bsa stress ndiri, ktny pelajaranny beradhh, tpy klo mnrud g sma aj kyk di Ursula,,, hmmm,, pusink @_@
yahh doain aj dh spya Tuhan ksh jlan bwad g,, lg pla ap pun yg g jlanin saadh ini maupun nnty serta msa depan g seklai pun Tuhan yg uda rencanain jauh jauh hari sblm g lahir,, yahh semoga aj g dpet yg terbaik lha,, AMIEN,,

Surat Cinta Seorang Hacker

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system, maka aku akan scan kamu untuk mengetahui port mana yang terbuka Sehingga tidak ada keraguan saat aku c:\> nc -l -o -v -e ke hatimu,tapi aku hanya berani ping di belakang anonymouse proxy, inikah rasanya jatuh cinta sehingga membuatku seperti pecundang atau aku memang pecundang sejati whatever!

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system,
ingin rasanya aku manfaatkan vulnerabilitiesmu, pake PHP injection Terus aku ls -la; find / -perm 777 -type d,sehingga aku tau kalo di hatimu ada folder yang bisa ditulisi atau adakah free space buat aku?. apa aku harus pasang backdor "Remote Connect-Back Shell"jadi aku tinggal nunggu koneksi dari kamu saja, biar aku tidak merana seperti ini.

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system,
saat semua request-ku diterima aku akan nogkrong terus di bugtraq untuk mengetahui bug terbarumu maka aku akan patch n pacth terus,aku akan jaga service-mu jangan sampai crash n aku akan menjadi firewallmu aku akan pasang portsentry, dan menyeting error pagemu " The page cannot be found Coz Has Been Owned by Someone get out!" aku janji gak bakalan ada macelinious program atau service yang hidden, karena aku sangat sayang dan mencintaimu.

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system,
jangan ada kata "You dont have permission to access it" untuk aku, kalau ga mau di ping flood Atau DDos Attack jangan ah....! kamu harus menjadi sang bidadari penyelamatku.

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system, ...?

Tapi sayang hatimu bukanlah sebuah system,
kamu adalah sang bidadari impianku, yang telah mengacaukan systemku!
Suatu saat nanti aku akan datang n mengatakan kalau di hatiku sudah terinfeksi virus yang Menghanyutkan, Ga ada anti virus yang dapat menangkalnya selain ...kamu.

Akibat Belajar Sejarah

Hasan dan Yanto adalah 2 sahabat sedari kecil, hingga keduanya telah menikah pun mereka tetap melanjutkan persahabatan dan bahkan tinggal bertetangga.

Hasan setiap malam mengikuti acara bahas sejarah internasional. Sedang Yanto hanya nongkrong di warung kopi depan rumah Hasan. Ketika pulang dari acara bahas sejarah, Hasan selalu dengan bangga menerangkan wawasan baru yang didapatnya kepada Yanto.

“To, kamu tahu nggak siapa itu Napoleon?”, tanya Hasan.

“Enggak.”, jawab Yanto singkat.

“Wah sayang sekali, kamu nggak pernah ngikuti acara bahas sejarah hingga kamu nggak tahu siapa itu Napoleon!”, kata Hasan yang kemudian menjelaskannya dengan bangga.

Esoknya Hasan kembali bertanya pada Yanto, “Kamu tahu nggak siapa itu Jenghis Khan?”.

Dan Yanto kembali menjawab ?Enggak? dengan nada kesal, karena dia memang tidak suka sejarah.

Esoknya ketika Yanto melihat Hasan pulang dari acara bahas sejarah, dan sebelum Hasan memberi pertanyaan baru lagi, Yanto langsung memberi pertanyaan lebih dahulu, “San, kamu tahu nggak siapa itu Tohir?”.

Hasan mengkerut, karna sepengetahuannya enggak ada seorang yang bernama besar seperti itu.

“Siapa Tohir itu To, aku nggak pernah dengar namanya dalam sejarah..!?”, ucap Hasan balik bertanya pada Yanto.

“Wah, sayang sekali! Karena kamu setiap malam pergi ke acara bahas sejarah internasional hingga membuat kamu nggak tahu siapa itu Tohir.. Tohir itu lelaki kampung sebelah yang setiap malam datang selingkuh dengan istrimu sewaktu kamu sedang belajar sejarah!!!”, jelas Yanto ketus.

The power Of the Dream

* tmandh” ktmu lgy nh,, o iy.. g ad referensi lgu nh,, nh laguu judulnya y yg kyk di atas,, The Power of the Dream,, sbnerny nh thu lagu lama,,tpy katany bermakna bgt,, ini lagu olimpiade taon 1996, tapdhhny di Atlanta,, yang nyanyi Celline Dion,, bsa diliad di you tube,, g ad linkny nh,,


Deep within each heart
There lies a magic spark
That lights the fire of our imagination
And since the dawn of man
The strenght of just “I can”
Has brought together people of all nations

There’s nothing ordinary
In the living of each day
There’s a special part
Every one of us will play

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
As the world gives us its best
To stand apart from all the rest
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You’ll find your fate is all your own creation
Every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

There’s so much strength in all of us
Every woman child and man
It’s the moment that you think you can’t
You’ll discover that you can

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

The power of the dream
The faith in things unseen
The courage to embrace your fear
No matter where you are
To reach for your own star
To realize the power of the dream

Polosnya mereka,, h_n

* nh yang namany Jose,, lucu yaagg,,

* kalo yg nh namanya neness,, h_n

hii temandh”, ktmu lgy.. hmm, kykny enak bgt y jdi anak kecil,, di syg, di manja, di ksh ap aj,, huhh,, uda gitu,, mreka thu polos bgt y,, mukanny msh lucu,, imut,, h_n

oiiaahh, g pnya cerita nh,, ad anak ttangga g yg namany Jose,, umurnya bru mw menginjak 4 taon, sama Nessa,, yg umurny bru mw 3 taon,, ceritany,, kan tyap minggu Jose sama Nessa ska ikudhh mobil g ke sekolah minggu,, suatu hari,, di sekolah minggu,,

Jose: (dengan polosnya) Ness,, kita duduk di belakang aja yuuukk,, biar bisa ngobrol,,

Nessa: yuukkk,,

Mereka ngobrol ny asikk bgt,, kyk org pacaran,, hhee,, suster mreka aj ampe ktawa ngeliaddny,, trus kan cici skolah mingguny lgy ngajak maen, mreka blag ke ciciny, ga agghh,, kita mw disini aj,, jiee,, lucu yha,,

Trus nh ya,, suatu saat, pas mreka lgy main d taman,, Nessa ngum ke g,, tnya gini,, "Cici, koq Jose ga ad ya,," Trus g blg," wah cici gag twu dhh,," gag lma kmudian, Jose muncul,, sambil teriakk, Neness!!! ga lma kmudian si Neness langsung nengok smbl hampirin Jose,, wahh so Sweet,,

Trus ad jgag y,, kan nyokap g isenk" tnya si Jose,"Jose pacarnya siapa ya??" Dia dengan polosnya jawab," Nessa donk, aku sayang banget sama dia,," (so sweet bgt yaag,,) Kalo g tny jgag ke Nesssa, jawabanny ya sama,, lucu bgt dhh,,

tmen", thu cerita bneran lhoo, wagghh so sweet bgt yaagg,, polos bgt,, lucu, imudhh,, hahhaa,, mngkn mreka blom ngerti yaag ap yg namany pacarann, tpy it's okay lha,, namany jgag anak",, blom ngerti ap", msh polos bagaikan kertas putih yang siap di tulisin ato di gmbar..

My First Postings,,

hy tmandh",, nama g Juan,, lengkapny Juanita,, hheee,, mmm,, mw ngum ap lg yaag,,
pkok'a salam knal dhh,, h_n
g ska bgt sma yg namany musik, mkanny g namain nh blog beginning music,, musik thu udah jdi bagian hdup g,, hhee,, g ska bgt ma piano n cello,, gw pnya impian klo suatu hari,, g bsa mainin cello,,
hmm,, mw ngum ap lgy yaaag,, moga"smw impian g kesampean yaag,,
hheee,, smp d sni dulu yaaagg,, ntar lnjudhh lgy,, ok??